For a list of seminars that we provide, please visit the Supervisors page.
For a list of seminars that we provide, please visit the Supervisors page.
Dec 16 Webinar Español: 10 maneras inteligentes de ahorrar
This is a free webinar hosted by KOFE.
Mié., 16 de Dic. de 2020 13:00 – 14:00 EST
10 maneras inteligentes de ahorrar sin mucho esfuerzo
Ahorrar dinero no tiene por qué ser difícil. De hecho, puede programarse en piloto automático.
Ahorrar dinero no tiene por qué ser difícil. De hecho, puede programarse en piloto automático.
En este seminario gratuito, aprenderá:
- Cómo ahorrar dinero sin siquiera saber que está ahorrando dinero
- Qué herramientas en línea pueden ayudarlo a ahorrar dinero sin problemas
- Las últimas formas de usar alta tecnología para ahorrar para todo lo que desee
- Cómo ahorrar sin cambiar su estilo de vida actual
Attendees can register for this event through their KOFE portal or through the links below and will receive an email confirmation and reminder.
For a list of seminars that we provide, please visit the Supervisors page.
Dec 9 Webinar: 10 Smarter Ways to Save
This is a free webinar hosted by KOFE.
English: Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST
10 Smarter Ways to Save Without Breaking a Sweat
Saving money doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, it can be automatic.
In this free webinar, you’ll learn:
- How to save money without even knowing you’re saving money
- Which online tools can help you save money painlessly
- The latest high-tech ways to save for everything
- How to save without changing your current lifestyle
Attendees can register for this event through their KOFE portal or through the links below and will receive an email confirmation and reminder.
For a list of seminars that we provide, please visit the Supervisors page.
Nov 18 Webinar: Tarjetas de crédito: Lo bueno, lo malo y lo costoso
This is a free webinar hosted by KOFE.
Mié., 18 de Nov. de 2020 13:00 – 14:00 EST
Tarjetas de crédito: Lo bueno, lo malo y lo costoso
Millones de estadounidenses se están ahogando en deudas de tarjetas. Pero si pusieran estas 5 cosas simples en práctica, podrían estar nadando en un “mar de ahorros”.
En este seminario gratuito, aprenderá a:
- Encontrar la tarjeta de crédito adecuada para su estilo de vida
- Descifrar los complicados términos y condiciones para obtener las mejores tarifas y recompensas
- Obtener una tarjeta de crédito incluso si tiene un crédito malo o terrible
- Encontrar expertos que puedan ayudarlo a salir de la deuda de tarjetas de crédito
Attendees can register for this event through their KOFE portal or through the links below and will receive an email confirmation and reminder.
For a list of seminars that we provide, please visit the Supervisors page.
Nov 17 Webinar: Financially Surviving COVID
This is a free webinar hosted by KOFE.
Wednesday, November 17, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM EST
Financially Surviving COVID
Participate in a presentation provided by an industry expert on how you can get help and help yourself financially during this pandemic.
In this free webinar, you’ll learn how to:
- What the credit report contains and how to read it
- The best places to get help during COVID-19
- Sources for help might not be the most obvious
- Helping yourself means not waiting on others
- Tips for using credit wisely
- How to dispute mistakes on financial reports
- Local government benefits
Attendees can register for this event through their KOFE portal or through the links below and will receive an email confirmation and reminder.
For a list of seminars that we provide, please visit the Supervisors page.
Nov 11 Webinar: Credit Cards: The Good, The Sad, The Costly
This is a free webinar hosted by KOFE.
English: Wednesday, November 11, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST
Credit Cards: The Good, The Sad, and The Costly
Millions of Americans are drowning in card debt. But if they did these 5 simple things, they could be swimming in savings.
In this free webinar, you’ll learn how to:
- Find the right credit card for your lifestyle
- Decipher the complicated terms and conditions for the best rates and rewards
- Get a credit card even if you have terrible credit
- Find experts who can help you get out of credit card debt
Attendees can register for this event through their KOFE portal or through the links below and will receive an email confirmation and reminder.
For a list of seminars that we provide, please visit the Supervisors page.
Webinar: Finding Childcare in Maryland
Webinar Recording
If you were unable to attend this live webinar, please watch this video recording.
Please join us on Tuesday, October 13 at 3pm for a free 1-hour webinar.
Finding Childcare in Maryland is a free webinar sponsored by UMMC EAP.
Speaker: FloJean Speck
Director of the LOCATE: Childcare program at the Maryland Family Network
FloJean Speck is a graduate of Goucher College with a certificate in the Management of Change from Johns Hopkins University, Carey School of Business. She is a passionate advocate for young children, parents, and childcare providers.
1 Hour Webinar
The first 30 minutes will be a presentation by FloJean Speck on the LOCATE: Childcare Program and how to use it.
The next 30 minutes will be a Q&A discussion that will answer questions from the audience (using the chat feature).
- How to use the website
- How to access a Referral Specialist
- Special Needs Children
- Financial Assistance
- and more
Email Amy Johnson at:
For a list of seminars that we provide, please visit the Supervisors page.
Webinar: Parents Working and Caring for Children During the Pandemic
Wellness Messaging of the Week
EAP Special Session: Parents Working and Caring for Children During the Pandemic
This presentation is geared towards couples/single parent developing coping skills to manage their emotional stress. This will be an opportunity to share what other parents are doing to survive, and to realize other parents understand the struggle.
Wednesday, September 16th
3pm (EST) 1 hour Session
For a list of seminars that we provide, please visit the Supervisors page.
Webinar: Work/Life Balance
Wellness Messaging of the Week
EAP Special Session: Work/Life Balance
This session will help you develop a greater state of equilibrium between your work and your life, and help you identify barriers that are keeping you from having the work/life balance you desire.
Wednesday, September 9th
3pm (EST) 1 hour Session

For a list of seminars that we provide, please visit the Supervisors page.
Webinar: Self-Care
Wellness Messaging of the Week
EAP Special Session: Self-Care
Using a self-care inventory, participants will evaluate their current self-care practices and other practices to improve their overall well being.
Wednesday, August 26th
3pm (EST) 1 hour Session
Registration has ended.
For a list of seminars that we provide, please visit the Supervisors page.
UMMC Office of Workforce Engagement will be hosting monthly workshops to provide education, resources and support on topics including finances/money management, advanced planning and caring for loved ones. Attend one or all workshops and develop ways to reduce barriers and promote overall wellness.

Employees are welcome to attend and RSVP is not required but preferred. Contact Heather Kangas ( with any questions.