For a list of seminars that we provide, please visit the Supervisors page.
For a list of seminars that we provide, please visit the Supervisors page.
Credit and Money Management Workshop
Need Help with Money?
Coming soon to the EAP: A new financial program to help you with your money skills and your finances. Stay tuned! We will be introducing a new program in the next few weeks.
Can’t Sleep?
If you are having trouble sleeping, please join us to hear an important presentation on December 8, Tuesday at noon.
Emerson M. Wickwire, PhD, ABPP, CBSM, FAASM who is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Medicine will be speaking. He is the Director of the Insomnia Program here at the hospital.
The workshop will take place in the Patient Resource Center Assembly room, #S1D03.
For further information, please call Maureen McCarren at 667.214.1560, or email Maureen at
Relationship need a little Readjusting?
Would you and your spouse or significant other like to learn a few new tips to improve your relationship? A couple of the EAP counselors learned some new approaches to help people improve communication and understanding between partners. They would like to share them with you beginning in October, for 5 sessions. Call the EAP at 8-5860 to sign up or for additional information. Space is limited to 5 couples so sign up soon!
Couples’ Workshop Series
For You and Your Partner
The EAP will be holding a Workshop for couples interested in enhancing their relationships. The small group will meet for five sessions, Oct0ber 22- November 19, 2013 on Tuesdays, 4:30-6:30. Space is limited. You can sign up now to reserve your space. Please call us at 410.328.5860 or by email us at